Unlocking Exclusive Mortgage Benefits for Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants & Emerging Wealth / High-Net-Worth Professionals

At AXTON Finance, we specialise in crafting tailored mortgage broking solutions for high-net-worth and emerging wealth professionals, including doctors, surgeons, medical specialists, lawyers, judges, accountants (both CA and CPA accountants) and certain industry specialists.

Besides having over 300 five-star Google reviews you can consider us like your private bankers who know a lot more about lending than just one bank. You will have direct access to your experienced mortgage broker, who will usually have at least 10+ years of industry experience to manage your ongoing client relationship – we aim for this not to be a once-off transaction with you (you will not find any inexperienced rookies at AXTON Finance)

Why do professionals choose AXTON Finance?

  1. LMI Waivers for $500K up to $10m+ mortgages

    Lenders’ Mortgage Insurance (LMI) can represent a significant expense or an outright blocker when purchasing a new home or investment property. However, certain professionals—broadly speaking, doctors, lawyers, accountants, and even individuals buying luxury homes in bluechip-defined postcodes—can qualify for LMI waivers on loans up to 90-95% of a property’s value without the additional eye-watering LMI costs. This can result in substantial savings exceeding tens of thousands of dollars, particularly for properties valued in the multi-million-dollar range.

    Who can access Lenders’ Mortgage Insurance Waivers?

    • Doctors, surgeons and selected medical professionals* (must be registered Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA))
    • Accounting Tax and finance professional^
    • Lawyers, Solicitors, Barristers, Judges, and other Judicial and legal professionals
    • Engineering/IT professionals
    • Veterinarians
    • Buyers of luxury high-end properties in limited bluechip metropolitan suburbs
  2. Tailored Solutions That Understand Your Needs

    Our licensed mortgage brokers at AXTON Finance are adept at more than just securing loans. They understand the intricacies of your profession and are equipped to offer tailored advice that aligns with your long-term property aspirations. Whether it’s negotiating better terms or exploring unique lending avenues, we ensure your mortgage supports your broader financial landscape.

  3. Stability and Expertise

    Unlike transient bank staff and call centre ‘brokers,’ our professional brokers have a deep-rooted understanding of the mortgage industry’s ever-changing lending policies, rules, and products. Our team’s extensive experience ensures that your mortgage lending decisions are grounded in expert knowledge and lived experience.

  4. Seamless and Efficient Processes

    We streamline the mortgage process to leverage digital efficiencies, but we maximise the personal touch (no offshore call centres here at AXTON), making it as efficient and hassle-free as possible. From initial consultation to final approval and beyond settlement, our team works diligently to ensure a smooth approval process, allowing you to focus more on your professional and personal life without worrying about the status of your mortgage approval. Because we live and breathe mortgage approvals we get you to ‘approved’ sooner.

The AXTON Advantage

Investing in a service that offers more than just basic loan facilitation is crucial. At AXTON Finance, you’ll benefit from:

  • Expert Insights: Access to experienced mortgage brokers who specialise in specialist income and high-net-worth lending.
  • Exclusive Offers: Opportunities to save on LMI and gain access to competitive interest rates not available to the general public.
  • Long-Term Support: Ongoing advice and support as your lending needs evolve over time.

Choosing AXTON means you have chosen a team that prioritises your lending needs. We don’t just pitch a product; we build client relationships that last. Let us help you navigate your mortgage options to find the best possible solution that complements your affluent lifestyle and high standards.

Call us today for an obligation-free discussion. If you have to leave a message, we will get back to you within five minutes.

*Full list of approved medico specialists are (but not completely limited to) Anaesthetist, Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Clinical Pharmacologist, Cosmetic Surgeon, Dentist, Dermatologist, Ear and Throat Surgeon, Emergency Surgeon, Endocrinologist, Gastrointestinal Surgeon, Gastroenterologist, General Practitioner (also known as a GP or Medical Practitioner), Gynaecologist, Haematologist, Hepatologist, Immunologist, Nephrologist, Neurosurgeon, Neurologist, Obstetrician, Oncologist, Ophthalmologist, Optometrist, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Orthopaedic Consultant, Orthodontist, Otolaryngologist, Paediatric Surgeon (Neonatal and Perinatal), Pathologist, Physiotherapist, Plastic Surgeon, Podiatrist, Psychiatrist, Radiologist (Note: this usually does not include Radiographers – call us to confirm), Reconstructive Surgeon, Respiratory or Thoracic Surgeon, Urologist, Vascular Surgeon.

^Accountant, Actuary, Auditor, Chief Financial Officer CFO, Director, Finance Director, Finance Manager, Financial Controller, Partner. Minor variations to these titles, such as ‘Tax Accountant’ or ‘Internal Auditor’, are also acceptable. Most lenders usually require CA (Chartered Accountant) or CPA (Certified Public Accountant) registration.

Can you borrow money for an investment property under a company name?

At AXTON Finance, we are well-versed in the intricacies of property investment through a company structure. This investment approach, while potentially beneficial in terms of asset protection, tax management, and credit policy assessment, requires a thorough understanding of the specific lending criteria that apply to corporate entities. Our team, with its specialized knowledge and experience, is adept at facilitating these unique transactions, ensuring you secure approval with terms tailored to your investment goals.

Investors considering this route can access up to 95% financing for conventional investment properties or 80% for company low doc (reduced documentation) loans, with commercial properties evaluated individually but usually at slightly lower LVRs (loan to valuation ratios) again. Each lender has distinct policies and loan limits, making our expert guidance crucial.

Investing in property through a company structure presents unique challenges. Not all banks are equipped to handle loans under company names, due to specific processing requirements or policy gaps in their teams. These challenges may include restrictions on professional package discounts or the use of additional financial products like offset accounts and credit cards under a company name. Some lenders may even require all shareholders to guarantee the loan. This underscores the importance of selecting the right lender—one that combines competitive rates with the capability to manage corporate structures effectively. Our team at AXTON Finance is well-versed in these challenges and can guide you through the process.

For instance, if John and Jane Smith, directors of ABC Pty Ltd, decide to purchase an investment property, the setup would typically involve ABC Pty Ltd both as the borrower and property owner, with John and Jane as the guarantors.

Furthermore, companies acting as corporate trustees for trusts have specific borrowing capacities and structures, which our team can also manage by ensuring all legal documentation, like company constitutions and trust deeds, meet target lender requirements.

It’s important to understand that directors might still be liable if a company fails to meet its loan obligations. Banks often require personal guarantees from directors, especially if the company is a shell business or SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) that does not earn significant income or has been set up solely for the purpose of purchasing the property. This underscores the importance of expert guidance when structuring company loans. At AXTON Finance, we can help you navigate these potential risks and responsibilities.

Any time that you may be considering a loan in a company name you must seek qualified accounting and legal advice to ensure the appropriateness of the proposed structure and that no unintended consequences occur.

At AXTON Finance, we pride ourselves on our expertise in setting up and managing home loans for companies, from simple setups with a couple of directors to more complex joint ventures utilising unit or discretionary trusts. Our extensive experience and deep understanding of lender criteria allow us to identify the best possible rates and terms for your situation.

To explore how we can assist you with your company property investment or to get a tailored assessment, contact us today. Our specialists are ready to provide you with the personalised advice and support you need to navigate this complex area efficiently.

Contact us today to discuss your scenario in detail, obligation-free.

How to choose a great mortgage broker?

If you are trawling the internet to find a great mortgage broker then these seven tips are what you should be looking for;

  1. Minimum Five Years Broker Experience: Ensure your broker has substantial experience handling various scenarios and providing you with experienced advice earned over years, not months. Newer brokers will be desperate to originate your loan application at all costs and will often lack the experience to prepare a high-quality mortgage application submission that may result in your loan taking longer to be approved or even declined.
  2. Strong Online Google Reviews: Check for positive reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge their reputation and service quality. Be wary of lots of short reviews that appear in a condensed period, as they are less likely to be legitimate. Instead, look for someone like AXTON Finance, who has hundreds of excellent reviews over many years. A simple independent search of the company name plus the word ‘reviews’ will help you determine if they pass your sense check.
  3. Fully Licensed: Verify that your broker holds all necessary licenses and certifications required by regulatory authorities. As a minimum your licensed mortgage broker should have a Certificate IV in mortgage lending but preferably a Diploma in Mortgage and Finance Broking. Licensed mortgage brokers should be members of the MFAA (Mortgage Finance Association of Australia) and/or the FBAA (Finance Brokers Association of Australia). You can check their credit license status via the government’s ASIC (Australian Investment & Securities Commission) website here. Mortgage Brokers are also required to be members of the government’s Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) should there ever be the need to lodge a complaint that cannot be resolved.
  4. Comprehensive Product Knowledge: Look for a broker who is well-versed in various mortgage products and scenarios and can offer you tailored options that fit your needs. Not all mortgage brokers are experienced enough to handle your application if you have any unique or complex variables about your situation especially if you are self-employed, have complex income streams, are an expat and/or a high net worth individual.
  5. Transparent Fee Structure: Ensure that your broker provides clear and transparent information about their fees and commissions to avoid any hidden surprises. All licensed mortgage brokers are required by law to disclose their remuneration earned on all regulated loan applications lodged to help comply with best interest duties that champion your interests first.
  6. Excellent Communication Skills: A good mortgage broker should maintain open lines of communication, keeping you informed throughout the process and promptly addressing any concerns. Ideally, your trusted mortgage broker will be updating you through efficient systems of communication instead of your chasing them up seeking an update.
    Proactive and Personalized Service: Choose a broker who takes the time to understand your financial situation, goals, concerns and preferences, offering proactive and customized advice rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

This checklist will help you find a mortgage broker who can provide valuable guidance and support, ensuring a smoother and more beneficial mortgage experience.

As shameless self-promotion, we are confident we will pass all seven points summarised above, so why not save yourself the time and risk and call us for an obligation-free chat today?

Is Your Mortgage Broker an Advisor or an Order Taker?

Recently I had an existing long-term client that I worked with for about six weeks who needed a significant equity release to help leverage his investment property portfolio. It was a complex scenario that had a narrow path to an approval but one that I had confidently solved. However in the space of a weekend he pivoted to another broker based on a quick conversation solely about rate. It didn’t end well for them and they came back to us rather sheepishly and proceeded with our tailored solution.

This got me thinking.

We all want a great rate but we need that rate to suitably match the scenario that will also result in the approval!

The role of a mortgage broker can vary significantly depending who you entrust with this important service. Some brokers act as mere order takers for a product, while others function as true advisors. Understanding the difference can have a substantial impact on your mortgage application experience and financial outcomes. What is the difference, you might ask? Well, let’s explore!

The Order Taker

An order taker in the mortgage industry is exactly what it sounds like: someone who processes requests without offering substantial guidance or advice. These brokers typically follow a straightforward, transactional approach usually based on a ‘best interest rate’ discussion as the focus. They gather your financial information, compare some suitable options, and present you with the ‘best rate’ that comes back. Their primary goal is to complete the transaction as quickly as possible and move on to the next client.

This approach does have its benefits. Order takers can be quick and give you what you want, which might be appealing if you are confident in your understanding of mortgage products. However, it can be costly as they do not take the time to understand your true intentions and ensure that what you are doing currently aligns with your long-term goals. This lack of personalized advice is a significant drawback.

If you’re not well-versed in the nuances of mortgage structuring, you might miss out on better deals or fail to understand the long-term implications of your mortgage choice. An order taker won’t typically take the time to understand your true intentions and will look to execute the short-term goal at the cost of future plans to get a fast turnaround and a quick commission.

The Advisor: A Proactive Approach

In contrast, a good mortgage broker who acts as an advisor takes a much more engaged and consultative approach. Advisors invest time in understanding your overall financial situation, future plans, and risk tolerance. They don’t just process paperwork; they provide tailored recommendations that align with your specific needs to ensure they are putting you on the path to achieving your long-term goals.

Advisors will often educate you about different mortgage products, explaining the pros and cons of each option in the context of your personal circumstances. For instance, they might suggest a fixed-rate mortgage if you value stability and predictability in a rising rate market, or a variable-rate mortgage if you can tolerate some risk for potentially lower rates. They may also delay an application that does not fit with your goals, taking the longer route to ensure you are getting the correct advice and assistance, rather than just the quick result.

Moreover, an advisor can help you think strategically about your mortgage. They might advise you on how to structure your mortgage to pay it off faster with a multiple offset account, how to leverage your mortgage for investment purposes, or how to use refinancing options to manage debt. This level of service often results in a more favorable mortgage experience and can save you money in the long run.

Determining Your Broker’s Role

To determine whether your mortgage broker is an advisor or an order taker, consider the following questions:

  1. How much time do they spend understanding your financial situation? Advisors will take the time to understand your broader financial picture and goals.
  2. Do they educate you about different mortgage options? Advisors will explain the nuances of different products, while order takers may just present the options.
  3. Are they proactive in their communication? Advisors typically maintain open lines of communication, providing updates and advice throughout the process.
  4. Do they offer personalized recommendations? Advisors tailor their suggestions to your specific needs, whereas order takers might provide a one-size-fits-all solution.

Choosing a mortgage broker who acts as an advisor rather than an order taker can significantly enhance your mortgage experience and financial outcomes. While order takers can process transactions efficiently, so can advisors. Advisors offer the personalized guidance that can help you make informed decisions and achieve your financial goals while also being efficient. When selecting a mortgage broker, look for one who prioritizes understanding your needs and providing tailored advice—your future self will thank you.

Don’t Get Rejected – How to Get Your Loan Approved the First Time

Understanding Loan Rejection Rates

Did you know that 40% of home loans are being declined? [Home Loan Rejection Rate Hits 40%] This alarming statistic highlights the challenges many face in securing a loan. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned property investor, getting your loan approved can feel like navigating a minefield.

Why Are Loans Getting Rejected?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re probably aware that getting a home or investment loan approved has become more challenging. Successive interest rate increases from the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) Government-imposed speed limits on lending and the aftermath of the Royal Commission into banking and financial services have tightened lending criteria significantly. While we’ve seen similar conditions before, the current environment is exceptionally stringent.

Tips to Ensure Your Loan Gets Approved

  1. Full Disclosure Is Key
    Non-disclosure of debts, whether intentional or not, can have serious repercussions. Failing to disclose all your financial obligations can require a lot more explaining to the proposed lender and a pretty high chance that your loan will be declined. This includes not only major debts but also smaller commitments like store cards or buy now, pay later arrangements like Afterpay. Remember, attempting to hide any debt is considered fraud and will be found out during the application process due to positive credit reporting in place with almost all Australian banks and credit providers.
  2. Having a good credit score
    Lenders rely heavily on your credit history when making lending decisions. Some may even approve a loan based on your credit score alone, especially if your loan repayments are consistently on time and your credit report is clean – no statements necessary!To maintain a good credit score, avoid applying for multiple home loans simultaneously or ‘shopping’ your mortgage around too much. This can lead to multiple lending applications appearing on your credit file, which can reduce your score in the medium term. Additionally, be cautious with other credit applications such as credit card requests, credit increases, car loans, and personal loans, as these can also impact your credit score negatively.There are a few credit reporting agencies in Australia with the two most common being VEDA and Illion. Each reporting agency is different but a VEDA credit scors above 700 is deemed best practice – anything under 500 would be challenging to get support from a major lender in many cases. You can get a free copy of your credit report through us here at AXTON Finance to see what your report look like – just reach out via the contact us tab.
  3. Get an Accurate Valuation
    When we ask the question ‘what do you think your property is worth’ we usually get the standard response of ‘well the house down the road sold for X’. It’s a great start but many lenders now allow brokers or bankers to order upfront valuations usually at nil cost to you. This can seriously mitigate the risk of your loan application being rejected, especially if your Loan to loan-to-valuation ratio (LVR) is close to the threshold that might cause a significant rate increase or add thousands in lenders mortgage insurance (LMI) fees. Keep in mind that valuations can vary significantly, it’s not uncommon that we see variances by over 10%, between different valuers so it pays not to lock yourself in with just one bank if this happens.
  4. Work with a Trusted Broker
    Finding an experienced broker (10+ years experience ideally) or banker you trust is crucial. An experienced broker brings years of expertise and knowledge of market policies, which can be invaluable for different scenarios. Going directly to a bank is like asking for the best car at a Ford dealership – they can only offer their product. With lending criteria changing daily, the DIY approach to loan applications is increasingly difficult and risky. A licensed mortgage broker can navigate these complexities and give you the best chance of success – first time.
  5. Have Your Documents in Order
    Ensure all your support documents are organized and complete. This includes proof of income, employment history, credit history, and any other financial obligations. Having everything ready can streamline the application process and reduce the likelihood of delays or rejection.
  6. Be Prepared for More Questions
    These days, pretty much every lender is asking more questions. Be prepared to provide detailed information about your financial situation and be ready for follow-up queries. Transparency and prompt responses can help keep your application on track. Securing a loan in today’s market can be a little more challenging, especially if you choose to go it alone, but with the right preparation and support, you can improve your chances of getting approved and without the stress of a sloppy application. At AXTON Finance, we specialize in navigating these complexities and helping you achieve your financial goals. Contact us today to find out how we can assist you in securing your next loan.

Which Banks Offer Multi Offset Home Loans

What are the Benefits of Multiple Offset Accounts

Unlock the potential of your home loan by utilizing multiple offset accounts. This guide highlights how strategically using multiple offset accounts can enhance your financial control, save money, and accelerate the elimination of your mortgage.

What is a Multiple Offset Account loan

An offset account is a banking account linked to your home loan that reduces the balance on which interest is calculated. Most lenders only allow you to have one offset account per mortgage account which is great but does limit the control of your finances. By using a lender who offers multiple offset accounts, you can strategically distribute your funds, gaining flexibility and enhanced effectiveness over your finances.

Banks & Lenders Offering Multiple Offset Accounts

Several major Australian banks and lenders offer this functionality, providing borrowers with additional flexibility in managing their finances. Notable banks include Macquarie Bank with its comprehensive Offset Home Loan package (enables up to ten FREE 100% multiple offset accounts).

Other key providers of multi-offset account structures include;

– Commonwealth Bank
– Macquarie Bank
– Resimac Home Loans
– uBank
– AMP Bank
– Newcastle Permanent
– ME Bank
– Suncorp Bank
– St George Bank
– Great Southern Bank
– Quodos Bank
– BankWest
– Beyond Bank Australia
– Bank Australia

It’s essential to explore each bank’s specific features to find the best option for your financial needs as not all multiple offset account structures work exactly the same.

Benefits of having Multiple Offset Accounts

Offset accounts act like financial boxes, allowing you to allocate funds according to your needs—such as one account for daily expenses and another for significant purchases or investments. This setup helps you manage your cash flow effectively and monitor your spending.

Tips on Maximizing Offset Account Benefits

The more funds you maintain in your combined multi offset accounts, the less interest you pay on your mortgage. Depositing large or small sums of money not required for use into an offset account can significantly decrease interest charges over the medium to long term given the incredibly powerful effects of compounding interest.

The Mechanics of Offset Accounts

An offset account directly reduces the interest payable on your home loan by offsetting your loan balance with the account balance. This structure is especially beneficial for joint home loan holders, allowing individual financial management while benefiting from the shared reduction in home loan interest.

Enhancing Financial Security Through Offset Accounts

Multiple offset accounts can offer additional financial security. When unforeseen expenses or changes in your financial situation happen (and we all know they do!), these funds have been put into an offset account that you might nickname the ‘Mojo account’ (as the Barefoot Investor, Scott Pape, famously called such an account) can cover costs without resorting to high-interest credit options, or worse still not having any funds at all. This of course helps give you longer-term peace of mind and helps to improve your financial stability.

By understanding and implementing a multiple offset account structure effectively, you can create a more efficient way to take control of your mortgage, making your money work harder for you and moving you closer to owning your home outright.

While multiple offset accounts can offer significant benefits in the right scenario, they may not be suitable for everyone. Consult with a professional mortgage broker, like AXTON Finance to tailor the loan structure to your unique financial situation and goals. Book your 15 minute discovery meeting here.

How to minimise your mortgage with an Interest Free Credit Card and an Offset Home Loan

Offset accounts can significantly enhance the financial benefits of a mortgage loan, especially when used in tandem with simple tools like an interest-free credit card. This article explores how coupling offset accounts with the clever use of interest-free credit cards can create a powerful saving strategy, particularly for those with substantial mortgage balances and good household incomes.

Understanding Offset Accounts

An offset account is a bank account linked directly to your mortgage that has the usual functionality of an everyday account such as being able to have a debit card, Apple/Android Pay, branch withdrawals and deposits etc. The money held in this account is offset daily against the mortgage balance, and interest is charged only on the net balance. It is important to note that the offset account itself does not earn interest – it offsets it’s balance against your home loan. For instance, if you have a mortgage of $1,000,000 and an offset account balance of $50,000, you will only be charged interest on $950,000. This setup can lead to significant interest savings over time, reduce the term of your mortgage, and increase your equity. Offset accounts are particularly beneficial as they provide flexibility in accessing funds, unlike direct repayments into the mortgage which may be less frequent and require a higher level of discipline to action each month.

Multiple Offset Accounts

There are a handful of banks and lenders who offer multiple offset account structures that enable you to aggregate the combined account balances against a single mortgage account. This is great if you like better financial control and have funds put aside for large bills, your children’s education costs, taxation provisions, savings for a holiday or any other purpose you can really think of. Multiple offset account structures are a great tool for both saving on interest and maintaining purpospeful liquidity for day-to-day needs.

The Role of Interest-Free Credit Cards in Financial Management

Interest-free credit cards have been around for a long time now and of course offer a period during which no interest is charged on purchases, typically ranging from 30-55 days. When used wisely, these cards can manage cash flow without incurring extra costs, thus allowing any spare cash to sit in your offset account for as long as possible, further reducing the mortgage balance subject to interest. The key to maximizing the benefit from interest-free credit cards lies in responsible spending and consistent repayment within the interest-free period. This ensures that all your available cash can remain in the offset account, working to decrease your mortgage interest obligations, without accruing additional debt from credit card use.

Using Offset Accounts with Interest-Free Credit Cards

Utilizing both an offset account and an interest-free credit card together can significantly amplify your savings. Here’s how to synchronize these financial tools effectively:

  • Direct Income into an Offset Account: Route all of your income directly into your offset account. This increases your average daily balance, which reduces the interest on your mortgage each month – this can have a powerful compounding effect over time.
  • Use Credit Card for Expenses: Use your interest-free credit card for daily expenses. This approach keeps more money in your offset account for a longer period during the month, maximizing the interest savings on your mortgage. There is of course the added benefit that many credit card companies offer customers frequent flyer points affiliated with the major Australian Airlines Qantas and Virgin – you may be surprised at how quickly you will rack up those frequent flyer points for your next trip!
  • Pay Off Credit Card From your Offset Account: Before the end of the interest-free period on your credit card (typically 30-55 days), pay the balance using the funds from your offset account. This method ensures you avoid interest charges on your credit card while keeping your offset account balance high throughout the month. Many credit card companies enable you to have an automatic sweep of the monthly balance due to automate and streamline the efficiency of paying the card bill on the very last day its due. This maximizes the benefit of the money in your control and minimizes the manual effort required to administer the money smart procedure.

Case Study: $1,000,000 Mortgage with an Offset Account

Consider a hypothetical scenario: a homeowner with a $1,000,000 mortgage at a 6.0% annual interest rate over a 30-year term. Suppose this homeowner maintains an average of $50,000 in their offset account and spends $3,000 monthly using an interest-free credit card, which they pay off at the end of each month from the offset account.

Calculation: Without the offset account, the monthly interest would be calculated as $5,000 initially ($1,000,000 x 6% / 12 months). With $50,000 in the offset account, the interest reduces to about $4,750 monthly ($950,000 x 6% / 12 months), saving $250 per month or $3,000 annually. Over the life of the loan, this strategy alone could save approximately $90,000 in interest.

So as you can see having a basic understanding of how offset accounts work and how they can help save your thousands in interest. Not all offsets are created equaly though as many lenders limit customers to only one offset (not multiple) or ‘partial offset’ arrangements rather than 100% offset so it pays to get qualified advice.

Offset home loans are typically marginally more expensive because of a slight loading on the interest rate charged or the fees payable so if you have limited monthly cashflows there maybe diminishing returns for having an offset account. Some loans in certain entities like trusts or companies or for expat / overseas borrowers are not always allowed to have offset accounts linked.

Overall offset home loans are a fantastic feature that may be able to help you pay off your loan sooner. Why not book a time with us today to discuss your needs and to determine if an offset home loan is suitable for you. We have over 30 major banks and non bank lenders that we can compare for you today.

Unlock Financial Security in Retirement with a Reverse Mortgage

As Australians enter their senior years, achieving financial security becomes increasingly critical. Unfortunately, even well-laid plans can falter, leaving many retirees facing stress and anxiety about their financial futures, especially as living costs continue to rise.

At AXTON Finance, we often encounter adult children concerned about their parents’ financial well-being. They turn to us for professional mortgage brokering advice to explore options for assisting their parents, including ways to unlock equity from their homes.

While some adult children are in a position to provide financial support, this isn’t always a viable long-term solution. It can also lead to uncomfortable feelings of dependency for parents, potentially exacerbating their stress.

A growing number of seniors and retirees are now considering a Reverse Mortgage as a viable solution. This straightforward financial tool can, subject to eligibility, provide a lump sum to release home equity as cash, settle existing debts, or fund home improvements. This enables seniors to comfortably remain in their own homes longer. Importantly, a Reverse Mortgage does not require income assessment and offers options for periodic monthly payments to supplement the retiree’s income.

There are no mandatory repayments with a Reverse Mortgage until the home is sold, and voluntary repayments can be made at any time, whether in regular installments or as a lump sum.

Like any significant financial decision, consulting with a solicitor or financial planner is crucial before proceeding with a Reverse Mortgage. Most plans include a “No Negative Equity” guarantee, ensuring that borrowers will not be forced to sell their homes unexpectedly.

Pensioners considering a Reverse Mortgage should also consult with Centrelink to ensure that their benefits remain unaffected. In most cases, this type of income does not impact pension entitlements, as it is derived from an owner-occupied residence rather than employment or investment income.

At AXTON Finance, we are dedicated to finding solutions that enhance the quality of life for our clients. In today’s economic climate, it might be time for your home to start working for you. If you’re considering a Reverse Mortgage or need more information about how it might benefit your situation, please contact us at AXTON Finance. Let us help you secure a more comfortable and stable financial future.

Why Choose a Broker Over Going Direct to a Bank?

Navigating the Australian mortgage market can be daunting, especially when it comes to securing the best mortgage options that are suited to your specific needs. While going directly to a bank might seem straightforward, it often isn’t the most beneficial route. Here’s why choosing AXTON Finance can be a smarter decision: With over 300+ five-star Google reviews we offer a personalized service tailored to your needs, access to a wide range of mortgage options from multiple leading lenders, expert guidance for complex needs, and leverage to secure competitive rates and favourable terms. These are the benefits you won’t get by going directly to a bank.

Designed for Time-Poor Professionals

At AXTON Finance, we specialize in helping time-poor professionals who are looking to secure larger loan approvals that usually involve more complex requirements. Our expertise and personalized service ensure that your financial needs are met with efficiency and precision, saving you valuable time and effort. We are here to guide you through the complex mortgage process and provide you with the best possible solutions.

Personalized Service Tailored to Your Needs

AXTON Finance provides an efficient bespoke banking experience tailored uniquely to your financial needs. Going direct to a bank is like going to a car dealership and asking what’s the best car on the market today – you are being sold a product, not a service.

Unlike banks, which often have rigid criteria and impersonal service, and a revolving door of staff AXTON takes the time to understand your specific circumstances, offering reliable solutions that direct to bank options simply cannot match.

Expert Guidance for Complex Needs

The mortgage process is fraught with complex terms and conditions that can be overwhelming without expert guidance. AXTON Finance’s team of highly experienced professionals simplifies these complexities and provides talented advice, ensuring you make informed decisions and avoid the common pitfalls that could waste your time and money.

A Wide Range of Mortgage Options from Multiple Leading Lenders

Did you know that going directly to a bank means there is no obligation for them to offer you products that are truly in your best interests? Licensed mortgage brokers are legislated to always operate within your best interests and provide you with a detailed summary as to why certain structures and products meet your needs first and not the banks. Direct bank customers are limited to the products that their bank offers. AXTON Finance, however, gives you access to a wide array of mortgage products from over 30 major banks and lenders. This diversity ensures you’re not just getting a loan but the best advice coupled with a loan for your particular financial situation.

Leveraging Opportunities

Settling for your current bank’s offer could mean missing out on better rates and more suitable mortgage products. AXTON Finance leverages industry expertise and relationships to secure competitive rates and favourable terms, often not advertised directly by lenders. With AXTON, you gain an edge in financial arrangements that a direct bank approach usually cannot provide.

Don’t Miss Out on better Financial Solutions

Imagine securing not just any loan, but the best possible loan for your situation. We ensure you have access to bespoke solutions and a team that champions your financial success. Why limit yourself to the offerings of a single bank when we can open the door to a world of possibilities and a better financial future?

Further, we ensure your loan remains competitive well past the settlement date, meaning we complete automated annual reviews that compare the market and needle your existing lender to ensure you get a great rate today and tomorrow. Ask yourself—would your current bank tell you that you could get a better rate next year?

At Axton Finance we create relationships, not transactions.

Call us today or book an obligation-free mortgage strategy meeting to find out why thousands of busy professionals have appointed Axton Finance as their trusted mortgage brokers.

How to Refinance Your Home Loan for a Better Deal

Unlocking New Opportunities: Why and How to Refinance Your Home Loan

Refinancing your home loan can seem like navigating through a maze of rates and terms, but it’s often worth the journey. By replacing your existing mortgage with a new one, you typically aim for a better interest rate, lower monthly payments, or a different loan term. This strategic move can free up cash, consolidate debt, or accelerate your path to paying off your home sooner – as long as it is done the right way!

Definition and Benefits of Refinancing

Refinancing involves taking out a new mortgage to replace your current one. This switch can offer several advantages:

  • Reduced Interest Rates: Lock in a lower rate to decrease your monthly payments.
  • Debt Consolidation: Combine multiple debts into a single, manageable loan.
  • Equity Access: Free up cash from your home equity for renovations or other significant expenses.
  • Term Adjustments: Modify the length of your mortgage to fit your financial scenario better.

Current Interest Rates and Opportunities in 2024

In the wake of the rate shocks of 2022 and 2023, many homeowners are keenly observing interest rate trends. Most economists predict a softening of the cash rate towards the end of this year, although this adjustment might be postponed to early 2024 if inflation remains high. In light of these forecasts, Proptrack produced this simple graph that outlines the major fours outlook on when they expect the RBA to commence their rate-cutting cycle and by what degree – crystal balling of course!

Evaluating Your Current Home Loan

Before you leap into refinancing, assess your current mortgage. Consider these factors:

  • Interest Rate: How does your rate compare to the new rates available? Is there a significant benefit to you to refinance? Can you stay with your current lender if they improved their rate?
  • Fees: Are there early repayment penalties or high ongoing fees?
  • Loan Features: Does your loan include features like an offset account or redraw facility, and do you use them?
  • Repayment Flexibility: Are you able to make extra payments without penalties?
  • Internet banking: Given the lack of branches these days it is important to know what their digital solutions are like. Still, in 2024 there remain enormous differences between the banks and lenders in regard to their customer Internet banking solutions – you would be surprised to know.

The Refinancing Process Explained

Refinancing can be broken down into several straightforward steps:

  1. Goal Setting: Define what you hope to achieve with refinancing.
  2. Financial Review: Assess your financial health and creditworthiness with an experienced mortgage broker.
  3. Loan Shopping: get assistance to compare suitable loan products that meet your needs and not the banks.
  4. Application: Submit your application and required documentation with expert assistance from your helpful mortgage broker at every step.
  5. Settlement: Once approved, the new loan will pay off your existing mortgage.
  6. Post-settlement: This is an important one. A great mortgage broker, like the ones at Axton Finance, will keep in touch with you and automate the review process to ensure you are never ripped off by your new lender. It’s in our interests to ensure you remain on a great rate, not your banks.

Conducting Market Research

Understanding the broader market context is crucial. Research recent trends in home loan rates, consider economic forecasts and review mortgage brokers and lender reputations and reviews (at the time of publishing we have almost 300+ five-star Google reviews). This information will guide you in choosing the right loan product and lender.

How We Can Help

At Axton Finance we specialize in helping homeowners like you navigate the complex world of mortgage refinancing. Our team of experts will guide you through evaluating your current loan, choosing the best new loan, and handling all the paperwork. Let us help you secure the best deal possible and achieve your financial goals. Contact us today to get started!


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